Meet Carrie

First of all, thank you for checking out my website. If you are taking the time to read this personal introduction, you may be a friend, family member (hi Mom) or a kindred explorer. I thank you for your curiosity. Some of my basic info includes enjoying life in the northwest, a rich cup of coffee, laughing, hiking with friends and my beautiful aussies, Evy and Frankie. It’s a rich life of contentment and discovery.

I’ve always been pushed to live a life worth living. This makes me a pro at transitions and navigating the rugged terrain of change. Pushing through insecurities and fears keeps me creating a wholistic life that society categorizes as having work / life balance. I’m aiming for a world where there is no distinction between the two; where all aspects of our lives are satisfying and enriching.

I invite you to reach out and share what you love about your life and business.


Harmonics of Business