Harvest Season: Reflect & Receive
Through all of the personal and community challenges of the past 3 years you may not have noticed how much you’ve grown. How capable you are in ways that you have never been.
Through all of the emotional trauma people are processing there is also strength. The ability to face down personal demons and keep going. We have
A new-found ability to stand in a tsunami of old, sometimes terrifying emotion
The determination to figure out how to stand in it, then decide what to do about it
So what is your hard-earned harvest?
Compare yourself to where you were a few years / months ago and where you are now. Which of these are true for you?
I listen to my higher knowing / self more
I’m better at recognizing and managing my ego
I’m less codependent and more empowered than I’ve ever been
I’m learning how to make different choices to honor my inner voice
I have better boundaries than I’ve ever had. And more to come.
I feel more emotion and I’m learning how to manage my emotions
I seek out tools and / or people to support me in my growth
I’m more able to express myself
I generally feel more grateful and appreciative
I’m more considerate of other people including myself
I’m more present and connected to my life
I am doing new things
I feel different about myself, my life and my relationships
How many are true for you? Even if you selected three items, that is a ton of growth in a very short time. Years ago, it took me months and even years of dedicated growth to make one or two of the types of changes listed above.
Take it a step further. This is the payoff.
Take a moment to write, share or ponder
What items would you add to the list of ways that you’ve evolved?
Even if you’re in the midst of a challenging / painful growth right now, are you taking steps you never would have taken before to help yourself?
How does it feel to recognize all of the ground you’ve covered amidst adversity?
Jot it down, share it with someone you love - like yourself / embody it. Remember it.
Savor your new harvest